Dear friend,
Don’t you love how God makes a way, when there seems to be no way? Youramazing gifts and commitment to First Fruit Ministries have made a way in 2021 toshare God's unconditional love through Outreach and Supportive Housing withpeople experiencing homelessness or human trafficking. This year we served:
710,163 pounds of food from the Food Pantry providing meals forover 1,200 people each week.
10,500 hot meals served on the streets to people experiencing homelessness
118 patient visits at our medical clinic here on campus
free showers, laundry, medical care, hot meals, housing navigation,and loving support with 605 homeless women and men
From unimaginable trauma to a hope for the future, your kindness has made a wayfor people fighting every day to overcome what has happened to them:
After calling 50 locations, a trafficking victim desperate toescape found First Fruit Ministries’ 5.11 House. Rejected fromeverywhere else, due to her trauma and disability, oursupportive housing team picked this victim up from the busstation and gave her a new home full of peace andpossibility. Now she has everything from a trauma therapistto a new job. She’ll move into her new home next month. Herhousewarming shower with her community of mentors andsupporters from the ministry will be one to remember! 31homeless or trafficked women have been served through ourhousing programs this year.
Your generosity is how God makes a way. None of this amazing transformationalwork would happen without YOU! Join the movement to end human trafficking andhomelessness as we double our efforts this year. Thank you for your caring heart andcommitment to First Fruit Ministries!
pounds of food from the FoodPantry providing meals forover 1,200 people each week
hot meals served onthe streets to peopleexperiencing
patient visits at ourmedical clinic hereon campus
homeless women and menreceived free showers, laundry,medical care,
hot meals, housing homelessness navigation, and loving support.