
Need help now?

first fruit ministries Emergency Resources

If you are experiencing homelessness, human trafficking, or domestic violence, our teams are here to help.

Text HELP to 910-899-8380 on WhatsApp for 24/7 resources.

Call our office at 910-794-9656 for information about housing, emergency shelter, food and supplies, and support (M-F from 10am-5pm).

Email us at to request help.


Need Shelter Tonight?

FFM’s housing programs typically don’t accept applicants the same day. If you’re in need of emergency shelter tonight, please contact these organizations.


Good Shepherd Center 
911 Martin Street, 910-763-4424


Family Promise 
20 N 4th Street, Ste. 440, 910-343-0366


‍Open House Youth Shelter 
615 Shipyard Blvd., 910-392-7408


Domestic Violence Shelter & Services 
2901 Market St, 910-343-0703


The Warming Shelter 1403 Market Street

(Opens on nights when the temperature drops below 30 degrees for two consecutive nights)

Supportive housing options


Housing that chronically homeless men and women never have to leave


Quickly connects homeless families with short-term rental assistance

5.11 HOUSE

Provides safe, stable housing and holistic support for victims of human trafficking

Permanent supportive housing and rapid re-housing

First Fruit Ministries offers supportive housing to homeless individuals and survivors of human trafficking and domestic violence. If you are currently homeless, please contact the Coordinated Entry hotline and request a housing intake before applying to First Fruit Ministries. If you are experiencing human trafficking or domestic violence, fill out the application. The application process takes 2-4 weeks, depending on availability in the program. Applications can be submitted via email to or in-person on M-F between 10am-5pm. 

Permanent Supportive Housing is housing that chronically homeless men and women never have to leave. Of course, as they stabilize and learn to better manage their disabilities, they may choose to move off campus to other affordable housing. Living at First Fruit Ministries offers continual support and shared living with chances to volunteer, be part of a strong community, have help nearby if in crisis, and enjoy community with our on-campus residents.

Rapid Re-Housing quickly connects homeless families with short-term rental assistance.


Homeless | Referred from the Coordinated Entry list


To apply, contact the Coordinated Entry Hotline and request a housing intake. We cannot accept applications until a CE referral is sent to our agency. 


On Tuesday and Thursday from 10am-3pm, come into our outreach center to have someone make the call with you. You can also call 910.444.8315 anytime. If there’s no answer, please leave a message and they’ll call you back.

5.11 House

5.11 House provides safe, stable housing and case management, housing navigation, peer support, recovery services, behavioral health services, primary medical care, and financial assistance to victims of sex and labor trafficking.

The housing is made up of 8 on-campus bedrooms for single women and 2 scattered-site locations for families, men, or participants in active addiction.

During a victim’s recovery, 5.11 House provides:

 • Case management

 • Stable, secure housing

 • Recovery services (harm reduction or recovery)

 • Primary medical care

 • Behavioral health services

 • Housing navigation and first month’s rent upon completion of the program


Single Females who are currently homeless| Victim of human trafficking as defined by The Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 TVPA 

*At this time, the program has paused rental assistance for male and family victims while funding is identified to continue rental assistance. Single, homeless females may apply to the on-campus transitional program.


Fill out and submit the application below. The application process typically takes 1-2 weeks depending on availability in the program.


To refer a client to 5.11 House, fill out the Human Trafficking Screening Tool and submit it with the client's application.


Apply for housing

If you’ve been referred to one of our programs through the Coordinated entry Hotline (see above) or have finished your pre-screening (for victims of trafficking), you can apply using the application below.


Frequently asked questions

  • Do you offer rental or utility assistance if I’m running behind on bills

    No, we are unable to provide financial assistance for currently housed individuals. Please refer to this resource sheet for other resources in our area.

  • Are you a homeless shelter?

    No, we do not provide overnight emergency shelter. If you believe you are experiencing human trafficking and need shelter tonight, contact us at 910-794-9656 (press 3) to apply for our housing program.

  • How do I apply for housing assistance?

    If you are currently homeless, please call the Coordinated Entry hotline and ask for a housing intake. Do not apply directly to First Fruit Ministries.


    If you believe you are experiencing human trafficking, fill out the housing application and return it to our office. You can call 910-794-9656 (press 3) to speak with someone about eligibility if you are unsure. Applications take 1-2 weeks to review, depending on availability in the program.

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